Hi, My name is Charles Muchogo

I'm a

My Skills

As an Mobile app and web programmer (frontend and backend), my skills range from Markup language such as HTML to scripting languages such as JAVASCRIPT. I can make front end apps using HTML, CSS, and JAVASCRIPT for web apps and also use FLUTTER to make good android UI/UX models. Other than programming, in my free time I play softball as a thirdbaser. I also design graphics, edit images and create posters and banners using photoshop. I'm also good in transcribing.



UI/UX Design

Web Designing

Mobile App Developement

You want to know about me?

My name is Charles Muchogo (much), a student at Multimedia University of Kenya. I'm currently is my final year pursueing Bachelor of Business Information Technology. I am a mobile apps developer with good skills in Dart and Flutter. I am a web developer too, with proficient skills in HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT, and PHP. I'm a self taught programmer from resources such as Youtube, Tech Twitter, Stack Overflow, Udemy, and numerous Codecamps. I have passion in what I do and always work to bring the best in what I do. Looking forward to working with you.

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